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P325 Standard User Guide
The Line keys 2 through 100 will vary from install to install. These are programmed per install and per individual user needs.
D65 Standard User Guide
The Line keys 2 through 100 will vary from install to install. These are programmed per install and per individual user needs.
D65 User Guide with Lines 2 through 5 programmed as Hold/Park Keys
In this user guide it assumes that all phones have Line keys 2 though 5 Programmed as Hold 1, Hold 2, Hold 3 and Hold 4. While on a call you can press any of the Hold Keys that are green. The call will be placed on hold/park and the associated Line ...
PBXact Voicemail Flow Chart/New User Extension/Mailbox Setup
See attached 1. How a new user of an extension/mailbox needs to set their mailbox up. 2. Mailbox flow chart that shows things like how to: a. Listen to a message. b. Delete a message. c. Save a message. d. Forward a message to ...
How to download D and P-Series Phone PTSR File
When a D-Series or P-Series phone encounters a problem or issue that requires the help of our Engineering group, we will likely need to pull the PTSR from the phone. The PTSR (Phone Tech Support Report) is a binary file stored on Sangoma phones that ...